Research Scientist
Ph.D. Earth Science (Geology)
MSc Geosciences (Environmental Geology and Geohazards)
BSc Agriculture (Soil Science)
Dr. Franklin Obiri-Nyarko is a Research Scientist in the Groundwater Division of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Water Research Institute (CSIR-WRI). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture (Soil Science) from the University of Ghana, a Master’s degree in Geosciences (Environmental Geology and Geohazards) from the University of Oslo, and a Ph.D. in Earth Science from the AGH University of Science and Technology. Dr. Obiri-Nyarko has a wealth of experience in contaminant hydrogeology. He has published a number of scientific articles and also reviewed manuscripts for journals and international conferences, such as Water and Environment Journal; Separation Science and Technology; Chemosphere; Geology, Geophysics, and Environment; Environmental Engineering Science; Environmental Geochemistry and Health; and International Conference on Water Resource and Environment. He has participated in a number of international conferences, workshops, and seminars, and was a session co-chair for the first International Conference on In-Situ Remediation in London, UK (2014). He is currently on the Editorial Board of Peertechz Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology.
Research interest
Dr. Obiri-Nyarko’s research interests include: laboratory and field studies of the transport and fate of pollutants and natural attenuation processes; numerical modelling of groundwater flow, contaminant transport, and biogeochemical processes in aquifers; groundwater and waste water treatment using natural and synthetic adsorbents; and the design of stand-alone drinking water treatment technologies and engineered barriers for the remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated by landfill leachates, acid mine drainage, agricultural chemicals, and petroleum hydrocarbons.
2011 – 2015: Marie Curie Early Stage Research Fellowship for PhD studies
2008 – 2010: University of Oslo Government Scholarship (Quota Scheme) for MSc studies
International Association of Hydrogeologists
Current research
Landfills and their impact on soil and groundwater quality
Impact of small-scale gold mining on surface- and ground-water quality
Selected publications
Obiri-Nyarko, F., Kwiatkowska-Malina, J., Malina, G., Kasela, T. (2015). Geochemical modelling for predicting the long-term performance of zeolite-PRB to treat lead contaminated groundwater, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 177: 76-84.
Obiri-Nyarko, F., Kwiatkowska-Malina, J., Kasela, T. (2015). Screening reactive materials for permeable barriers to treat benzene and lead contaminated groundwater, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 15: 632-641.
Obiri-Nyarko, F., S. J. Grajales-Mesa, G. Malina (2014). An Overview of Permeable Reactive Barriers for In Situ Sustainable Groundwater Remediation, Chemosphere, 111: 243-259.
Obiri-Nyarko, F., Kwiatkowska-Malina, J., Malina, G., and Kasela, T. (2014). Application of Permeable Reactive Barriers for sustainable remediation of groundwater contaminated by heavy metals and BTEX, in: In Situ Remediation Conference ’14. Book of abstracts, 2014, pp. 29.
Obiri-Nyarko, F., Kwiatkowska-Malina, J., Malina, G., and Kasela, T. (2014). Mechanisms of benzene and lead removal in permeable reactive barrier. The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Remediation, 17-19 September, 2014, Ferrara, Italy.
Obiri-Nyarko, F., Kwiatkowska-Malina, J., Malina, G., and Kasela, T. (2014). Removal of Lead and Benzene from Groundwater by Zeolite and Brown Coal: Isotherm and Kinetic Studies, In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation, 2014, ISBN 978-1-927877-07-4.
Obiri-Nyarko, F., Kasela, T., and Malina, G. (2013). Feasibility study on sustainable remediation of BTEX and heavy metals contaminated groundwater using permeable reactive multi-barrier systems: The Tuczepy case study. In: G. Malina (Ed). Reclamation and revitalization of demoted areas. PZiTS o. wielkopolski, Poznan, 147-160. Book chapter
Obiri-Nyarko, F., Kasela, T., and Malina, G. (2012). Screening the potential for sustainable remediation of BTEX contaminated groundwater using permeable reactive barrier systems: The Tomaszów Mazowiecki case study. In: G. Malina (Ed). Reclamation and revitalization of demoted areas. PZiTS o. wielkopolski, Poznan, 91-103. Book chapter